
Bone Formation
Genetic Disorders
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Skeletal System

There are many malfunctions that can occur in this system. Bones and joints can be damaged. One of the most common is excessive strain. This is the inflammation of the bones and it’s caused when there is excessive fluid which causes swelling, pain, heat and redness. Fractures can occur often. A fracture Is when a bone breaks. Bones can crack, snap or shatter. If the fracture is bad enough pins and plates may be used to hold the bone in place while it heals. If it isn’t bad new bone cells fill the gap and create new bone. Arthritis is another common disorder. It is the inflammation of the a joint. Arthritis currently effects ten percent of the world’s population. It causes people to have trouble moving. Anyone can get this disorder. Osteoporosis is a disorder where your bones are very weak due to loss of calcium. It can cause stress fractures. It’s mostly common in older people, however teens with eating disorders can get it too. Osgood-Schlatter disease is the inflammation of the bone where it attaches to the knee cap at the top of the shin. It’s very painful. Scoliosis is a disorder where the spine curves. Three out of five people out of one thosand have it. Most spines curve slightly, but it depends how much. Leukemia, spina bifida, scoliosis, tendonitis & poliomyelitis (polio) are all diseases that are associated with the skeletal system.

© 2006 Aislinn, Ariel & Amanda